Post Tagged with: "Nina Vélez-Troya"

The artists awarded in the first International Art Expo

The INTERNATIONAL ART EXPO Edition 2021 has been an international artistic event in Sarthe organized by ANNE CLACE director of “Art Gallery Chercheur d’Artistes”, it is a competition which brings together different Artists from around the world who exhibit their work and talk about their ARTS for an exchange multicultural […]

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Gaby Charbachy, the Glam of an Haute Couture Fashion Designer

Born in Beirut, Gaby Charbachy graduated with a bachelor’s degree in engineering and architecture then a Master’s degree from the Herriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.  His innate love for fashion made him open his atelier in 2000, where he started to create fantasy red carpet evening gowns, fairy tale wedding dresses, […]

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