Post Tagged with: "Lorena Baricalla"

«Monaco and Friends» Backstage Ep. 6 hosted by Lorena Baricalla, with Yulia Berisset and the participation of Lucille Gomes, Founder of Aua Help Noma Foundation!

Today I want to share with you the backstage of a new episode of «Monaco and Friends» with the participation of  Lucille Gomes, Founder of Aua Help. This time Lorena and Yulia decided to speak with Lucille and to have the possibility that she can explain to us  her good […]

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«Monaco and Friends» Backstage Ep. 5 hosted by Lorena Baricalla, with Yulia Berisset and the participation of Flavia Cannata

A new episode of «Monaco and Friends» is coming! What happens if an international star, a luxury influencer and a fashion huntress meet? All about the backstage of the next Episode 5 of “Monaco and Friends” hosted by Ballet Star, Actress, Singer LorenaBaricalla with luxury lifestyle influencer Yulia Berisset aka @_queeny_j […]

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«CANNES and FRIENDS» Ep.1 with Jelena Mandic, Jewels Designer, hosted by Lorena Baricalla, Nina Vélez-Troya and Yulia Berisset.

“CANNES and FRIENDS” is the new twin Socials Show with «Monaco and Friends» about Art, Culture, Fashion and Lifestyle! A friendly international Showcase in Cannes hosted by Ballet Star, Actress, Singer Lorena Baricalla with luxury lifestyle influencer Yulia Berisset aka @_queeny_j and journalist Nina Vélez-Troya, owner at Red Ivory. With […]

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