After our last event in London, Champagne Heritage Prince Henri d’Orléans -Altesse Royale, opens now the door in the American market.
Stanislas GOUIN, President and Co-Owner of the Royal brand is visiting Florida these days to promote the brand and do the first tasting with Jean-Paul Benizri, JPB Marketing Inc. at Champagne Heritage in this area.
Business days and also happy moments enjoying the Royal Bubbles that American friends have tasted and evaluated as a great Champagne.
Never better than see the pictures to share the exciting moments with famous people!
Stanislas GOUIN, President and Co-Owner of Champagne Heritage with Lindsay Lioz, Irene Valarezo, Barbara Cohen Bertoncini, LM Van Ginhoven in Casa Sensei, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Con Jean-Paul Benizri, JPB Marketing Inc. at Champagne Heritage in this area.

With Bettina Benizri, the famous Wedding Planner and collaborator at TV and other friends at Louie Bossi’s Ristorante in Boca Ratón
Celebrating the Bettina’s Birthday day with the beautiful pack for gift of Champagne Heritage