Nessrine Abdelkader is a 25 years old young beauty woman and a great Visual Artist who lives and works between Tunisia and Germany. Her experience is between graphique Illustration and Contemporary Collage.
“ My personal style aims for emanates deep expression and hidden emotions of Human being also crtitizizes the contemporary society, dark lines, without colors and realistic practice brought life and interactivity to my Art- Work. As a young artist I give focus to details in my small Canvas « I see that my eyes are sensitive to small details that maybe are already forgotten ».
Phd Student Theory of Arts and design « High Instituts of arts and crafts » Sfax- Tunisia . 2019
Research Master Degree of Theory of Arts and design « High Instituts of arts and crafts» Gabes- Tunisia. 2018
Collective Exhibition Festivale of The Student, « High Instituts of arts and crafts» Gabes- Tunisia. 2014
Personal Exhibition
The festival of the poetry , chneni of Gabes 2015. Personal Exhibition and Painting work shop with blind children for The Manifestation climate change for ASFC ASSOCIATION 2017. Collective Exhibition with The National Festival The Days of Cinema under The name , Contemporary questions, 2018.
Collective Exhibition and workshop atelier with The Peronik ( orphans, and refugee children) with The Michealshof Volunteer Community Germany, Lunebourg. 2020.
Publication and Reviews
- « New Generation of Artist » Magazine of Tunivision Tunisia
- « Art and childreen » Catalogue of ASOF community
• « Art and frindship » D. Mounica Mergui German Writer and Member of The German Union of Writers, and member of The international Federation of Journalists
Recognition and Awards
- 1st place, The national Festivale Of Poetry and words
- Traveling Artist, with interational Volunteer Artists.
1.- What are your origins and why did you dedicate yourself to painting?
I am a young artist from Tunisia, very beautiful Mediterranean country, and the reason behind why I dedicate myself to paint it is the passion for it and for me the only way I can express myself it is through drawing.
2.-What motivated you to dedicate yourself to art?
I thinkI have been motivated by many things, but to be specific, my daily research of the powerful aesthetic behind human being faces, and body on photograph or on the real life makes me go deep to experience that unusual expression through my medium.
3.- What does Art mean for you?
Humm… it is hard question. I guess it needs a bold answer.
It’s almost like a platonic expression, but still represents for me one of the strongest worldwide language … It is universal , and it’s an overview that can make people to be more close to each other .And it could be balance and truth. It is a state of consciousness that looks out at the world and summarizes and concludes its deepest nature.
4.-Your art is really different. How would you define your style?
My style of drawing it may be different from the common experience, I think it’s my own way of interpretation of reality, it’s like a creative code for shifting expression around me, it’s the result of how I see the issue around me as an artist, the way for looking for a creative identity.
5.- Where is the art market and where are the art consumers going?
I think the art market now is affected by the digital revolution, which gives to the artists their own independency by selling their artworks through digital platforms and I think that consumers are spending more time on the Internet, seeking interactive and collaborative experiences through social networks, and may not necessarily want to visit art galleries or museums. These new consumers have more choices and need more interactivity than ever before. Therefore, they are willing to become actors rather than spectators.
6.- I know that several celebrities asked you to do works of the famous painters. What is the reason?
I think the reason behind celebrities asking to re-doi the famous painter’s works, is their attraction to iconic piece of work as a concept , that goes with the needs of the contemporary life, it is about the halo of timeless creativity.
7.-What makes a work of art to be valued or depreciated?
I think when we talk about a piece of art, we talk about creativity, and in the 21st Century even the way of thinking is creativity, it’s simply a way of art, the standard is changing with time, but what makes the art to be valuable is the interpretation of the subject that the artist is working on, and the identity of the piece of work. However, the message behind it is very important too.
8.-Art is a rising market, but what makes an artist become a desired painter?
Nowadays we talk more about art industry better than market, that makes us talk about marketing and campaigns and all the other stuff that includes this industry, like Saatchi Art for example, so I see what makes an artist become a desired painter in the market, is the professionnal marketing team or machine which works at his/her image beside the own style and indentity that makes him/her different from the other ones, but here the piece of art start to giving up at him/her identity as a creative piece, to start to be a creative product.
9.- Which is the future of the Art?
It’s a great question , but clearly Art will follow and continue branching into new forms , like the new technology, virtual reality and augmented reality that could create impresive work where maybe the viewer can experience the artworks by phone or headset.
Artists may work in correlation with these machines within new mediums, especially when creating within virtual and augmented reality spaces. Tilt Brush by Google, already provides an intuitive platform that displays the freedom an artist can have painting in this virtual space.
10.- And your future as artist?
My future as an artist is to stay Artist ! Actually it’s a bit tricky question, but I see myself after 10 years or more, very mature in my experience and I think it will take me to the next level, because I am open to experience new mediums and styles that goes with my works.