Juan Carlos Aguilar, born in Guatemala, is a son of artists, his mother is a painter and his father a musician.
“Talking about inspiration is a complex thing, but I can say that everything comes from dreams that I sometimes have and, in other occasions, it is for some personal experience in which my feelings are affected either by something good or bad but that makes me work some personal pieces”
Named Artist of the year 2017. Prize awarded for his artistic career in the branch of Plastic Arts. Awarded by: Organization Artist of the Year Award, with the collaboration of the Institute of Culture and Sports; Association of Education and Culture ̈ Alejandro Von Humboldt ̈ and the G&T Continental Foundation, at the German Club in October 2017.
Currently Juan Carlos Aguilar works in personal productions and for his clients.
You can read his interview at https://redivory.org/juan-carlos-aguilar-the-sculptor-of-the-soul
If you are interested to buy the sculptures or do an exhibition with the Guatemalan artist Juan Carlos Aguilar, you can connect directly with us:
Nina Vélez-Troya Representative