Red Ivory

Rotary Club Marbella held its Charity Gala 2024

Charity Gala 2024 Rotary Club Marbella

On July 12th the Rotary Club Marbella celebrated its Charity Gala 2024 at Finca La Concepción with the most distinguished guests.

The summer benefit dinner was attended by the international singer Yanela Brooks and the Malaga singer Hoffman.

The event – whose proceeds will go to Caritas – brought together many celebrities members of the Rotary Club not only from Marbella, but also from other cities.

Charity Gala 2024 Rotary Club Marbella

Alejandro Criado, President of the Rotary Club Marbella together with members of the Club.

The Charity Galas allocate approximately 50% of their profits to different works, as it is one of the purposes of the Rotary Club that always helps those most in need.

The famous Cuban singer Yanela Brooks offered an extraordinary performance that delighted the audience.

Alejandro Criado, Nina Vélez-Troya and other guests. Photo by CACHO

Alejandro Criado, Nina Vélez-Troya, Hoffman, the famous artist Alicia Czerniak and other guests. Photo by CACHO

The joy of La Tuna could not miss the Rotary Club Marbella Charity Gala.

An excellent dinner with the final touch of Yanela Brooks and Hoffman‘s performances that made all the attendees dance.

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