Red Ivory

Maja Prinzessin von Hohenzollern joins the successful energy pioneer B4H Green Energy SE as a shareholder

Princess Maja von Hohenzollern has been always an active woman, interested to develop her work respecting the values and trying to promote a healthy way to live and taking care of the environment.

As business woman, she is involved in new projects and today I want to share with you that she has joined the successful energy pioneer B4H Green Energy SE as shareholder.

Co2 neutral energy systems with which one can independently generate and save electricity are the future and, in view of the rapid increase in energy costs, are in tune with the times.

B4H Green Energy SE is one of the market leaders in the field of innovative energy systems for heating, cooling and electricity generation.

The performance of the company, which has already grown by over 1900% in 2020/2021 compared to the previous year, has continued to grow strongly in the current year

and has already doubled its 2021 turnover as of 31/07. This impressive growth demonstrates the huge demand for energy efficient energy systems.

Government subsidies of up to 45% also make the switch from fossil to renewable energy systems affordable and attractive for consumers.

Princess Maja Von Hohenzollern with Karolina and Wolfgang Balthasar, founders of B4H Green Energy SE

The company B4H Green Energy SE is currently preparing for its IPO in the third quarter of 2023.

This also convinced Princess Maja von Hohenzollern, who as an entrepreneur and innovative designer for interior and furniture has been involved with sustainable living for years.

«The VISSOLAR energy systems from B4H Green Energy SE are a future-proof innovation and immediately excited me.

Galloping energy costs and supply insecurity have become a major burden for many families as well as businesses.

That is why we need innovative, C02-neutral energy systems so that people and entrepreneurs can once again rely on affordable energy.

Above all, I was convinced by the broad applicability to all types of buildings, from old buildings to multi-family houses and new buildings to commercial properties.

The VISSOLAR energy system is space-saving and uncomplicated to install. It offers up to 100% energy authenticity.“ says B4H Green Energy SE new shareholder Princess Maja von Hohenzollern.

B4H Green Energy SE has developed a unique and award-winning hybrid solar system that simultaneously generates electricity AND heat and even cools in summer.

It thus offers a major advantage over conventional solar or photovoltaic systems, which can usually only produce either hot water or electricity.

In addition, the VISSOLAR hybrid solar system – which consists of a solar heat pump, solar hybrid collectors, a highly efficient buffer and battery storage – achieves a significantly higher energy self-sufficiency of up to 80%.

By using an electricity cloud, this can even be increased to 100% energy self-sufficiency and thus offers significant relief for private households as well as for commercial enterprises.

It is ideal for use in new buildings, renovation and existing properties and works for underfloor heating and radiators.

Another advantage of the VISSOLAR Hybridsolar system is that it can prevent snow and ice from forming on the roof collectors in winter.

This ensures – in contrast to conventional photovoltaic modules – that the system can be used all year round.

Surplus electricity can even be used to charge an electric vehicle or heat a pool.

Karolina and Wolfgang Balthasar, founders of B4H Green Energy SE :
» We are happy that we could win Princess Maja von Hohenzollern as an active investor who supports us in our international development.»

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